Hino Horror Volume 3 and 4: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell ; Hell Baby; School Zone Volume 1
All of these are horror manga. HORROR! I bought these because I'm craving for horror manga. I feel like I really need to read more from the horror genre since I have a ton of stuff about romance, action, fantasy and such.
Hino Horror Volume 3 and 4: Oninbo and the Bugs from Hell (I want to try translating the subtitle into romaji so here: Oninbo to Jigoku Mushi. Did I do that right? Oh well. So I was browing their items and I came across this title. It's written by Hideshi Hino which is popularly known for his work called "Panorama from Hell." I watched youtubers say the same thing, it's a masterpiece! Why the hell not look at his other works? (I can't afford a 50+ dollar volume because I'm poor as hell!) The same thing is applied to Hell Baby (Gaki Jigoku/Akachan Jigoku.)
School Zone Volume 1 is about kids in the same class learning that not all urban legends are fictional. That's all I need, kids crapping their pants because of some ghost story. I'm on a horror manga spree so I ordered this too!
Why am I ordering manga that I can't read properly (because I'm such a picky reader that I need the right atmosphere to get the feel of the story) ? I like manga in general, I just want more horror in my collection. I'm gonna read them. It will take time before I can finish them but I really appreciate having these treasures.
It's true, some horror manga looks silly and childish but you have to know this, it's manga. Given the right atmosphere and mood, even Mickey Mouse can be creepy (Right Creepy pasta? *nudge* *nudge* *wink* *wink.*)
Art: Childish but gory. I think that the both mangakas thought of the innocence and pureness of childhood would make a bloodier story. Just think of it this way:
is way more effective at showing gore than
doesn't it?
So the art is innocent to make you think that it's harmless but once it starts, that image of fear (with the pure background,) will start to be noticeable more and more as time passes. You don't have to like the art to enjoy it fully, just imagine it in your head. Put on the shoes that you wore when you were a kid (figuratively) and imagine the scariest thing ever. The kid inside of you will be traumatized. Why? Because unlike the current you, you still don't know what things are.
Example: Watch "The Ring" (the original from Japan) and imagine yourself watching that as a kid. Would you be able to go to the bathroom at night? Probably not. So a child's perspective can project an image of fear exponentially.
I can only tell you about the art because I haven't read any of them yet. I hope that you can pick up one of these and tell me what you think of them!
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