Thursday, December 26, 2013

Wishlist: UQ Holder

I've been reading this weekly since it started on August this year. I'm really into it since I'm a fan of Negima! Magister Negi Magi series. I currently have 22 volumes of this title which is the most number of volumes for a title I have. Enough about Negima, we're here to talk about it's successor, UQ HOLDER!

It's Ken Akamatsu's signature style!

The author of A.I. Love You, Love Hina, Negima! Magister Negi Magi, Ken Akamatsu comes back with a new series! He's mostly know for his work Love Hina which is one of the titles that established the Harem genre. After finishing Love Hina, he came out with another series; Negima! Magister Negi Magi that is far from what he published before (Sci-fi and Slice-of-life).

UQ HOLDER: (by Ken Akamatsu) is set on the same universe as Negima! but several decades in the future. People now know about magic. Our main character, Touta Konoe is the grandson of Negi Springfield (the main character of Negima!) and he has been orphaned. His parents where killed in an accident and luckily Touta was saved from death by Evangelion A.K. McDowell a.k.a. Ms. Yukihime (another character from Negima!). Touta and his friends plan on defeating Ms. Yukihime for a chance to go to the tower in the heart of the Capital.

Failed attempts to beat Ms. Yukihime drove Touta's friends to rely on magic apps (jokes for later) that were given by a teacher inside the school. Ms. Yukihime can't move and Touta tried to save her but fails. Yukihime instructs the most dead Touta to drink her blood to be reborn as an immortal. He then defeats the Bounty Hunter (the teacher who gave them the magic apps) with a powerful punch. He gets to leave the village and embark on a journey to the capital with Ms. Yukihime. The end.

Magic? I have an app for that! - Steve Jobs

Why do I want UQ Holder? Well, for a shounen manga, I really like Ken Akamatsu's art style. It's cute and pretty. This felt like the alternate universe of Negima! because they start from almost nothing and then gain experience and collect a lot of friends over time. It's a battle manga basically.

Art: The art is definitely shounen but simple and light. It's not about the details but more about the story. The details (like Pastel) are mostly in the background and clothes too. I really like this art style for a shounen manga because it's not complicated but not too simple. It's also heavy on the ink which really shows the difference between a character and the environment (other titles sometimes have character that are like chameleons hiding).

I wish I could join you Touta.

Story: It's just beginning, (with 16 chapters out) so I can't fully judge it. The story is still at it's infancy and I can tell that Ken Akamatsu is aiming for another 40 volumes worth of material here. It's a story that's been used over and over but what I like about it is that it follows the life of an immortal. I just hope it doesn't drop in quality because I'm really looking forward for the chapters to come.

The first volume is set to come out the March of 2014. I'm excited but I'm not gonna buy it. Unless, it's like 6 dollars for a volume then I would like to start my collection of that series. I really don't want to buy new but I have to at some point.

I know it's not Christmas but if you can, please donate your used mangas to me! I'll cherish them and appreciate your kindness! (屮゚Д゚)屮


  1. i have a brand new anime or manga featuring a poor sixteen year old girl named Evangelina she lives in a small house with her parents her older brother and her younger sister the house is located on blue sky island the population of this island is about nine thousand people in the islands main city of blue sky city the people on this island are Japanese the island is located east of japans mainland the island has stricter laws than the mainland and the residents have a different mindset Evangelina's family has a lot of debt her family's last name is the Shin family Evangelina takes part time work after school and on holidays and even before school to help pay off her family's massive debts.

  2. i have a brand new anime or manga featuring a normal 31 year old guy named Adam lee he lives in Tokyo Japan he is a workaholic businessman who works in a office building one day he meets a mysterious poor homeless woman she has only the letter s as her name. she claims to be a alien from a different planet she lives at a large park in a tent.
