Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Weekly! All you need is Kill 6

Keiji rejecting a possible date from the very hot babe that is, Rachel the lunch lady! Back in ch. 5, we are greeted by Sergeant Bartolome's corpse and the reason is that the Sergeant was trying to save Keiji. Keiji's mistake made him depressed and have that face. Back to the battlefield, after 158th respawn, he finally manages to wield a battleaxe properly with only one hand. Beast mode Kiriya go!

*Updated Magazine Cover

Previously on: All you need is Kill 5: Sergeant Bartolome is seen dead and after some time, Kiriya inevitably follows. We get to see Keiji's schedule and it doesn't change except for this day. His depressed expression on his face made him a target for a tough guy as Rachel complained about it. He was forced to engage in combat yet he only dodges the tough guy's punches. Ultimately, he ends up with a black eye and a praise from Rita about his dodges.

Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!

Summary: Keiji comes to after staying in an unconscious state for a while. The first thing he sees is Rachel and she apologized for what happened. She says that Keiji's face looked like he had seen a friend die and true enough, he did.
From chapter 5, Keiji was reckless with his battle axe and was open for mimics to attack. Trying to rescue Keiji, Sergeant Bartolome pushed him over and got hit instead. The Sergeant's body falling, Kiriya sees a picture of the Sergeant's family inside his head gear.
Rachel noticed that Keiji was stronger than his opponent but his reason was because he was tired of fighting and had lots of it already. She then follows up with a question about Keiji having a girlfriend and tries to lighten him up by showing him a good time before deployment. Keiji declines and says that she isn't looking at the right guy to be with. He leaves in a hurry to train with Sergeant Bartolome.

Carly isn't popular anymore...

While running, he remembers his unrequited love he had for a librarian (BTW, she's not an old lady but a student) and Rachel reminded him about her. She looked the same except she was lacking the bust size. Keiji denies that she's the reason why he went and signed up for the military though he really meant to change through that.

Don't read that lewd thing in public!

All of his respawns end in a gruesome way. He also keeps track of the time he has survived in the battlefield. In his 123rd respawn, he notes that the migraine he had back in his 73 respawn is growing stronger. His face is showing signs of psychological fatigue and breakdown. 154th respawn, he loses consciousness after an hour and a third in the battlefield. He presumes that he did not die however, he still respawned as if he was dead.

Keiji was curious about this ErenxLevy story because of Sashta.

Finally, 4 respawns more, he changes. He is now able to master the battleaxe. A giant weapon is now held with only one hand. He has learned the physics of the battleaxe and is now able to wield it like Rita does.

daaan-dan-da-da-da-daaaan-dan... *Star Wars opening theme.

Likes: The little background story we have of Keiji. He has shown us a softer side after 5 chapters of DEATH NOTE DARKNESS! Keiji obviously signed up for the military to change and have the courage to ask that librarian out. It also seems that because of the librarian having a thing for mystery novels, that Keiji respawns holding a mystery novel in his hand. To impress the girl? Probably.


I would really like to see more of Keiji's past if the story permits. I know it might be filler but it's good to see more of a character and to see what really cause his never ending nightmare. He might be cursed, or he might be inside of a game for all we know.

Dislikes: None. I can't find anything that's worth disliking this chapter.

Quirks: RACHEL'S REJECTION! Well, to be fair, he did say that she's not looking at the right guy when she hit on him. That's like saying, "I'm really sorry but you're too pretty to be with someone like me." I just found that funny. It totally needed a "OOOH SNAP!"

Sorry about the Yaoi jokes.

Also, I just found it odd that he wasn't brought to the infirmary and instead, left lying on three chair inside the kitchen. He has a black eye, he was unconscious and no one ever thought of bringing him over to see if there're are any injuries other than the black eye? I guess you could tough it out but still, he might've hit his head on the floor or something.

Sorry for the yaoi jokes. Again.

Predictions: He masters the battleaxe BUT he is still FORCED to go respawn again. OR Rita might notice that he comes back after the battle and something happens between them, friendly competition (of who can kill the most mimics) maybe? I'm betting on something happening between Keiji and Rita because Keiji can now wield a battleaxe like hers. Maybe a praise? A little chat? Who knows!

Dammit, I meant do it alternately, not with both hands. ...unless your black.

It came out before noon yesterday and I didn't have a lot of time to post this and I was really feeling down the weather and sleepy. I still am. I should quit drinking energy drinks. I'm sleep deprived and I don't know why I can't stop. I hate myself for being like this! Anyway, I'm gonna post newer series that I've picked up that started this year. I am also picking up a monthly title that has been around for a year or so. Tons. I have a ton of new manga to read and review!

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