We actually progress in the story now! I don't know if I'm just dumb or what (probably just dumb) but I didn't see the "coup d'etat" coming. I was looking at a "Mess with the Survey Corp and we'll unleash Titan Eren" plan from Erwin but it they took the hard way and just waged war with the King.
Previously on: Attack on Titan 53: Eren tried to do "Hardening" but failed. Eren had a vision of a lady who looks like a mix of him and Historia, he forgot about it immediately as if it were a memory that does not want to be remembered. Erwin and Nile talk about who the mastermind for the attempted kidnappings for Eren and Historia is/are. Lastly, attempts to capture Eren and Historia have failed due to Survey Corps' tactics and strategies. They used their enemies' attempt to capture both to infiltrate their headquarters. Jean and Armin were disguised as Eren and Historia to be baits for the enemy. We end with the Survey Corps getting ready to rescue Armin and Jean.
Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!
Summary: The lady who looks like Eren and Historia appears in Historia's dream. She was reading Historia a book about a Titan--who incidentally looks like Ymir--and a girl. She was also telling Historia about how to be a proper lady. Eventually, she had to go and she said "Forget about me. Until we meet again." and somehow erased Historia's memory. Historia wakes up but immediately forgets about the woman.
Where's the ring?
Eren and Historia talk about her current self and how she hates it. Eren replies that she like her that way better, because she's a regular, stupidly-honest human.
Washboard Hystoria and Horseface Eren.
Meanwhile, the kidnappers are attacked by Levi's group and were tied up. The leader of the group; the merchant who was trying to let his cart of goods go through the passageway first (way back in the series), Dimo Reebs was brought to the top of Wall Rose, overlooking Trost district. Levy and Mr. Reebs talk about a deal that keeps Mr. Reebs' men and his beloved Trost district from being killed or taken away by the government. The conditions are:
- Both the Reebs company and Survey Corps will join together to fight against the Central Military Police and the Government.
- The Reebs company will fully trust the Survey Corps no matter what.
- Every loot and good that the Reebs company finds will be first handed to the Survey Corps.
These are the hidden, extra condition Mr. Reebs needs to agree to.
After hearing all of the Survey Corps' conditions, Mr. Reebs agreed with the deal.
The next day, Mr. Reebs told the Central Military Police (the same guys who tortured Pastor Nick) that he has Eren and Historia. Due to the rain, the carriage that was holding the CMP guys passengers slipped into the river below the road cliff. He told a lie about the CMP dying in the accident and the subordinate who was following them had to go back and report it. Behind the scenes, we see Levi's group save both the CMP guys only to be tortured for information by Hanji and Levi.
Levi and that butcher apron. Blood everywhere. Kinky?
While the kidnapping/rescue/negotiations/CMP kidnapping, Erwin was talking about his plans that are currently being executed with Commander Pixis. He then reveals that they plan to overthrow the Government along with the current King.
ErwinxPixis FTW!
Likes: THAT WOMAN HAS A POWER THAT CAN ERASE SOMEONE'S MEMORY!!! What else?! I'm sure she was a part of Eren's life too somehow. Like I said, she might be Eren's aunt of something. Historia calls her "Onee-sama" but I think that she introduced herself like that. She might be Historia's aunt too. There's some kind of link between Eren and Historia. It may have something to deal with them being Titans or infected by the Titan virus? (There is no virus in this story and I just made that up. Or is it entirely false? Remember the syringe? Eren's father? The KEY?)
Dislikes: I don't get how Dimo Reebs can be so lax in this situation. I think he was just scared when he agreed to the deal. If I was a merchant, I could probably go inside Wall Rose with no difficulty because I have the means but Mr. Reebs thought about his marketplace; Trost district. I would probably be conflicted with the idea of leaving the district if it was my hometown but aren't merchants, first of all, live for the gain? What would he gain from this agreement? Protection? Okay, I see that but other than that, I still can't guarantee that I'll be alive as there are only a few Survey Corps members to protect a city. They are also against humans so the fighting would be psychologically exhausting.
Traps are dangerous.
I just don't like how fast Mr. Reebs agreed to the deal. He was only loosing from this deal but I guess to progress the story, he needs to make a fast decision.
Quirks: I didn't mention this because it wasn't important in the story but the King looks a lot like Jesus. Seriously, is this some kind of symbol? No? Whatever, I'm calling him Jebus! All hail Jebus!
He's bored?
Predictions: An argument between Erwin and Pixis as they have issues with the plan. Someday, I hope that HystoRen (Yup, that's what I'll call her, Hystoria/Eren, HystoRen!) shows up soon again. A torture scene for Mr. Sanes of the CMP because he deserves it and of course, I'd like to see Hanji have a great time with him on the receiving end of PAIN!
Mikasa just wants a hug...
It's a good chapter and a lot of things are happening at the same time. I just wish we had more action because that's what we really like about it. I guess the smart thing going on is cool too but I just would love to see more action than that. This is an uphill chapter and it's just starting to get some altitude so the next chapters might be a lot more action packed as we have already sealed the deal with a lot of guys.

Metal Gear reference?
Well, that's it for this chapter! Hopefully the next one (Attack on Titan: Before the Fall) comes soon! Mata ashita ne!
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