Thursday, March 20, 2014

Weekly! UQ Holder 26: Karin's Crisis (夏凜の危機 Karin no kiki)

The fight between Touta and Kaito has ended. However, the immortal hunter; Nagumo, has been ordered to do overtime. He fights Karin and almost gets defeated until he uses his secret weapon. He teleports Karin to the moon. Whoa. Did I read that right? The moon?! How can that be possible?! The moon?! THE MOON?! Do you know how far the moon is?! I don't know the answer. That's why I'm asking you.

BTW, UQ Holder Volume 1 is out and I can't wait to pick it up! I'll go and visit the nearest bookstore and flip through some pages and see how it looks like! Happy face!

Weekly Shounen Magazine 15-2014
Previously on: UQ Holder 25: Touta suppresses the Magia Erebia, granting "Mercy" upon Kaito. In their final showdown, they arm wrestle. Both of them weakened, they fight with their sheer willpower and with only pure strength and heart, Touta beats Kaito and wrecks the building they were standing on.

Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!

Summary: The aftermath of Touta's outburst of emotion: a building in ruins and a barely alive Kaito. Touta isn't happy about his win because he did not win with his own powers, but with the Magia Erebea's. Kaito gives up and tells Touta the third part of Shundo: (我界に唯一人立つ. しかして唯一入立つには非ず) "You are alone in the world!" But "You are not the only one here in this world!" It means giving back what the earth has given you.

I don't want your prize!
When the immortal hunters were just about to leave, Nagumo receives a phone call. A call that orders him to do overtime because of the Nagumo's master seeing Magia Erebea at work. As he keeps his phone down, instantaneously, Nagumo was in front of Touta.

This movement was a sign of hostality and Karin-san took the attack thrown at Touta. Nagumo was impressed with Karin's immortal ability of fast healing. He felt the resistance of flesh yet there is no wound left on her. Preemptively striking, Karin manages to bend Nagumo's sword with her second weapon; a croquet mallet.

Just when everyone was about to see Nagumo's defeat, he labels Karin's words (もらった = "Gotcha!") as a "lose flag." He opens his eyes and we see a blackened cornea, a sign of great trouble. As Karin cuts to hit Nagumo, he bends sideward and unsheathes a dagger-like weapon. Karin is missing and a ball of some sort appears. Touta does not believe his eyes, and to clear up the confusion, Nagumo will explain further on to the next chapter. As for the whereabouts of Karin, she is 238,900 miles/ 384,400 kilometers away from her original location. She was teleported to our own satellite; our moon.

I wasn't supposed to write any joke for today but I was like,
oh what the heck,she reminds me of Taylor Swift's video.
Likes: My long awaited Nagumo and Karin fight happened, although it was brief. I love how Nagumo's just taking it easy as she fights the immortal Karin. Karin is a pretty badass character but she didn't stand a chance with a professional immortal hunter. Experience won over brute strength. I doubt that Nagumo will be able to defeat a totally transformed Magia Erebea user though. He might use that teleportation weapon again but I doubt anything major will happen.

Sidesteppin' like a boss.
Dislikes: When Karin is angry, she looks like a dude. Kuroumaru looks more like a girl now compared to the angry face Karin.

Quirks: The phone call. It's awkward to be talking about business when you're enemies are right in front of you. Also, you dropped something Nagumo-san.

I don't have photoshop or gimp, so this is the best I can achieve cleaning-wise.
Predictions: Thank the heavens that you will get the next chapter sooner than anticipated!

Past Prediction Result: It wasn't exactly a prediction but more of a rant the chapter before. I was angry because Karin didn't have any chance to fight Nagumo. They are both skilled in sword fighting and look equal in strength but they didn't have a chance to fight each other. I really wanted to see a fight between them and not just Touta and Kaito dueling it out.

Can't think of anything funny here. Sorry.
Also, because of experience, Karin is totally outmatched and she fears more for Touta than herself. Nagumo is pretty good with handling immortals because he knows how to deal with them. You can't kill them so why not send them to a far away place? Good thinking!

So the next chapter might take a day or two depending on how fast I can type up my thoughts on the latest Naruto chapter. I also have All you need is Kill and Fuuka to write about. Wagatsuma-san was recently released. Tons of manga to review, so little time. I'm also thinking about reviewing a volume soon. Oh yeah, expect more Now-Reading posts too because I have read this interesting manga titled "Ibara no Kanmuri" and it's a supernatural shoujo manga. Energy drinks are ready for take off! また 明日, 俺 の 友人!(Mata ashita, ore no yūjin!)

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