Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Haul 2: January 21, 2014

Since I really like this series, I bought duplicates. No! They're not used! They are still in their shrink wrap with labels and stuff! Awesome deal if you do say so myself.

Black Lagoon Volumes 1, 2 & 4
Why would you buy these again? Well, I'm still missing volumes 3, 8 & 9 so I don't really have a reason why not. They were new and were sold for nine bucks (plus shipping) so I thought it was a good deal. From what I can see, they're first editions and were maybe overstocks from a store.

The content makes this a justified purchase. The used ones I've read are still in good condition but nothing beats a shrink-wrapped one!


So I'm still missing 3, 8 & 9 and I'm just looking for a deal that has volume 3 on so I can continue from there and read the rest of what I have. It's kinda hard to have the later volumes and not having the volumes that came first. You want to read it so bad but it just sits there for weeks, even months. You forget that you even have them and they just gather dust, unread.

I doubt that I'll have to wait months to rip this shrink wrap off and read it. That's my haul for today!

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