Hello! Welcome back from reading the laugh trip that is High School Girls! Did you read it because of my recommendation? No? Why? I'm sorry I can't do a good job at reviewing! _| ̄|○
I am currently laughing my butt off from reading all the volumes I have (which is 5 in total) so I don't have a butt right now. _| ̄|○ Oh yeah, after finishing this volume, I can definitely say that this is a shounen manga.
Story so far: We have a group of girls that are starting their high school lives in an All-Girls High School. What they don't know is that girls who attend that high school are different from the "Princess/High Society" girls in their minds. Boyfriend-less girls, lesbians, filthy club rooms, dreadful locker rooms, ill-mannered girls, wild girls and most of all, no holds barred girl stuff (stuff you don't want to know because it's the harsh truth about girls.) And then, at the end of the school festival, one of them got a boyfriend. Well, let's continue the story...