Saturday, January 18, 2014

Weekly! UQ Holder 17

Some manga streaming website just released two chapters of this title the same day they released Naruto so I'm going to post two separate posts instead of making one to make it more consumable. Longer posts tend to get boring at times (I know, I know) so I'll chop this into two bite sized posts. UQ Holder by Ken Akamatsu, if you haven't read my wishlist post on this, click here!

UQ Holder Volume 1 (Japanese)

Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!

Manga in the Mail: 18

So I recently bought another gruesome manga and I'm itching to read it. From all the pictures I have of this title (a simple google image search,) I can say that this series is disgusting and I love that kind of stuff. I love horror and more than that, the making of horror. The psychology of it sounds awesome too and that really ties up with this series.

MPD-Psycho Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4

Warning! This title contains a lot of gore, graphic violence and nudity.

No seriously, it contains full-on hentai nudity. Do not go past this if you don't want to see anymore.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Review: High School Girls Volume 2

Hello! Welcome back from reading the laugh trip that is High School Girls! Did you read it because of my recommendation? No? Why? I'm sorry I can't do a good job at reviewing!     _| ̄|○

I am currently laughing my butt off from reading all the volumes I have (which is 5 in total) so I don't have a butt right now. _| ̄|○  Oh yeah, after finishing this volume, I can definitely say that this is a shounen manga.

Story so far: We have a group of girls that are starting their high school lives in an All-Girls High School. What they don't know is that girls who attend that high school are different from the "Princess/High Society" girls in their minds. Boyfriend-less girls, lesbians, filthy club rooms, dreadful locker rooms, ill-mannered girls, wild girls and most of all, no holds barred girl stuff (stuff you don't want to know because it's the harsh truth about girls.) And then, at the end of the school festival, one of them got a boyfriend. Well, let's continue the story...

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Weekly! Naruto 661

Welcome to the first Weekly! post! Let's talk about Naruto chapter 661!

Viz Media

Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!

We get to see the powerful sucking action of the new product from the Kishimoto brand! The Gedo Mazou-10! It has 9 eyes for a better visual feedback! It can also suck 40 meter high objects with ease! This is a vacuum you need at your house!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review: Bakuman Volume 2

So you've read volume 1 and I've read volume 1 from a long time ago. That review was not so thorough (like my reviews are thorough and professional _| ̄|○ )  and my current reviews have a system of sorts. So let me revise my review on this title so we can get a bit more out of it.

Draw. Draw. Draw. Write. Write. Write. Wouldn't you go insane if you did this all day long? I'm amazed at what mangaka's go through just to put a chapter out there. I also want to be a mangaka but you know, I just don't have the inspiration and the story telling down. I can draw but only stiff illustrations and most are just sketches. These mangaka's work their butts off just to make their manga last a little longer. Then you also think of a gimmick to make your manga rank higher in the polls. What a busy world manga is. No wonder Taro Kawaguchi died from work exhaustion (well, a lot of Japanese people die from over work, no joke.)

Story so far: The story starts when a middle schooler Moritaka Mashiro (Saiko) was confronted by a classmate of his; Akito Takagi (Shujin), about both of them being mangakas. Shujin goes to convince Saiko to draw for him. Unknowingly, Shujin cooks up a plan to make Saiko become a manga artist. After the execution of the plan, Saiko is now determined to be a mangaka and is now aiming for his work to be in an anime!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Manga in the Mail: 17

In this installment of Mail, we get more of the Full Metal Panic series! Why more? Well, it's another one of those series that I just want to complete. The series is only 9 volumes long and I'm interested in the story without the mecha (I assume that is the case because so far in volume 1, there isn't any mecha "stalking" Kaname Chidori.)

Full Metal Panic Volumes 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6
I don't really have an explanation for this series. With all the episodes (of the anime adaptation) I've seen so far, I can say it's a decent show. I don't want to finish the anime yet (I know it's been overdue) because I feel that the anime can spoil the whole story for me if I watch it. Besides, I like manga more because I can own it for cheap. Come, come, let us discuss more of this!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Update: Keeping up with the Schedule.

So I didn't post anything today because I ran out of scheduled material. What kept me lazy is the fact that school is starting and I'm acquiring more volumes to read. Most of the manga described in my Mail posts are still in my waiting list but fear not, I will read them as soon as I have the will to work.

Behold! Here are my updates!


  1. Finished reading all of the first five volumes I have of High School Girls.
  2. Read up to volume 3 of Arisa
  3. Currently reading MPD-Psycho (which is so bloody, gory and downright sick that I need to review it after finishing the first volume. Also, watch out for the Mail post about this series!)
  4. Working up to review Limit Volumes 3, 4 & 5 (I haven't finished the series yet because I want to keep the interest alive by reviewing them first.)
  5. Currently watching Psycho-Pass and a 29 seasonal anime when they come out.
  6. Waiting for the volumes I ordered
    1. A josei that came out last year
    2. A collection of short stories
    3. Two duplicates of volumes I already have (Hint: I've already reviewed them)
    4. An Omnibus (Hint: It contains Japanese Folklore inside the plot.)
    5. An autobiographical manga about a blues musician.
  7. Received 15 volumes of a shoujo manga (Yes, I will do a Mail post just for you guys!)
  8. Received 5 volumes of various manga (I will also do a post on this and I will separate them.)
  9. Currently reading Switch (which is about Narcs and their various cases. Didn't really have anything to say about it so I didn't do a Mail post o)
  10. Lastly, Toradora.

So that's a lot of things in my mind right now. I just probably need some imitation Red Bull and just review a ton of manga I have. Yeah, I feel like I need a Red Bull a day (just that one small can) so I can focus on my reviews.

Anyway, so yeah. That's about it. I hope you still read this and be aware of the things that I'm doing. Thanks and see you tomorrow!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Review: Arisa Volume 2

More shoujo goodness! Yes, the second volume of my first shoujo series this new year! Well, not really the new year but let's just say the winter season. Iko yo!

So, I've finished this volume last year but because of my confusion on my college schedule (I literally thought my classes start the 7th of January so I was freaking out) and laziness that I didn't really bother to review this until now. Forgive me okay?
