Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Weekly! All you need is Kill 5

You have a giant battleaxe that requires the wielder to practice it non-stop, and you have a soldier who wants to use it BUT doesn't have a lot of time. It's true that he can do it everyday as he respawns, but doing things in a routine in the exact same way is tiring. Here's to hoping that there is something out of the ordinary happens.

I wish there was a way to buy magazines from Japan cheaply. I mean, you can buy a magazine for 4-5 bucks from Japan, but then comes the biggest pain in the neck, SHIPPING! $20+ for shipping alone and that's like the slowest service. I don't live near a Kinokuniya bookstore so I can't really buy weekly magazines though I would LOVE to have at least just one issue. I have a ton of manga already and what my collection needs is a magazine. Seriously. Anyway, here's the actual content. Sorry for my whining...

Previously on: All you need is Kill 4: Shasta Raylle build Keiji a battleaxe--the same one that Rita has--in exchange for an external hard drive with god-knows-what is inside. That's the only important thing worth noting.

Spoiler Alert! If you are gonna read this post, please read the actual manga first!

Summary: Keiji still couldn't handle a giant battleaxe. His axe slipped from his grip and eventually gets cornered by mimics. He wakes up and tells us his routine:
0600: Wake up after dying. Ignore Yonabaru.
0610: Steal custom chip from Armory.
0630: Breakfast.
0730: Train while reflecting on last respawn.
0900: Image training
1030: Get Shasta to build me a battleaxe
1130: Lunch
1300: Battle training with Sergeant Bartolome
1745: Dinner
1900: Yonabaru's party
2200: Head to bed after checking my power suit
0112: Push Yonabaru into the top bunk.
Every time he dies, he lives through this routine but this day is different. Keiji attracts unwanted attention.

You need time to poop right?

Because of the boring routine he goes through everyday, he gives off this look of despair and hopelessness which in turn, darkness up the mess hall. Rachel--the busty lady we saw in chapter 1--is the cook who serves food for the soldiers and she tells a soldier about Keiji's dark aura. The soldier then walks towards Keiji and complains about his face. They then get to a fist fight.

Karate kid reference?

The big guy started with a grab at Keiji but to no avail. He then successfully dodges the big guy's attacks without fail. He explains that he can see ahead of time through prediction. Though predictions aren't accurate, he calculated that he would just take a light punch so he can get it over with. Rachel tries to stop the big guy from hitting Keiji but the bump she gave, made a slight adjustment to the punch. Keiji is now lying down with a black eye. We end with Rita praising Keiji's moves.

Likes: Rachel, the big busted lunch lady is back! What?! I'm a guy! That's what I like!


Dislikes: 80th respawn, he still can't do anything. He has been living for 30+ days with the battle axe and he still can't control it. He's pretty much working 1 full day each respawn so if you were training with that, you're body would probably know how to control it better. 

That's totally not Keiji, right?! 

Quirks: Couldn't Keiji at least punch the guy? I mean, he can dodge, but instead of putting an end to it quickly, he takes one like a wuss. Are you kidding me? 

No, in Japan, you need to eat like a savage. Totally true. STAB, BITE, CHEW and SWALLOW!

Predictions: I'm thinking Keiji might stop using a battleaxe and go with a claymore or a broadsword instead. I mean, the battleaxe is like 400 pounds so you're exerting too much effort just to swing that thing to get ready to attack. It'll probably kill your battery pack way faster than anything (probably the reason why Rita is cold towards the dying Keiji, chapter 2: Click here!) If the mimics where really tough, why not make a really big heavy sword instead of a hulking block of metal that has sharp edges with it.

Yes, you were.

With their body structures, mimics are probably hard to crack open so you would need a heavy sword like the Dragonslayer (from Berserk) or the Buster Sword (from the Final Fantasy series, sorry FF fans, I'm not gonna play that game.) I'm hoping he would really go medieval on mimics. Don't you just want to see Keiji flailing a morning star or a warhammer? Strength isn't the issue now but battery life (it's a really issue too IRL.)

Sorry for not posting in time. At the time I'm typing this up, my required reading are overdue so I'm really sorry but my studies come first. Thanks for understanding!

For compensation, have a Rita!

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