Saturday, January 11, 2014

Manga in the Mail: 16

I like drama. Well, the kind of drama that makes you pity a character for his/her situation. Combine my liking for drama with my fascination with psychology, specifically, the autism spectrum disorder. I am sincerely curious about the things that go into an autistic child's mind.

With the Light: Raising an Autistic Child Volume 3

My genuine interest in Autism is brought by this question: "Do we see a normal world? Or is an autistic child's world the normal one?" My explanation for this is, we "*normal" people see the "normal" world. 

I learned about the mangaka dying before finishing this series and I was a little saddened by that fact. I am glad that she made wrote this manga though. I would really like more out of this series and start reading it but unfortunately for me, the first one was sold out so I didn't get the chance to buy it.

I'm really excited to read this title but I'm gonna wait until I have at least the first volume. I don't want to skip this though according to wiki, it is separated into stages.

Though at first, I ignored it because it was about the ASD and not about the life of a mother raising a child with ASD. I love reading josei manga especially the ones that are really emotional. I can enjoy reading drama/shoujo but my tastes have grown, and so I need a more bitter tasting drama. I like to read about real-life situations and the difficulties of living in a situation I haven't experienced.

Sorry about this short one. I'll make sure to have two posts for this day so wait until 5pm. Thanks!

*Normal - Society defines normal as the average of anything. What normal is depends on the culture too. Normal is what we always see, what we are used to seeing and what our brain is programmed accept (i.e. it is not normal to litter when a place is kept clean while it is normal to see someone litter in a dirty place.)

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