Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Now Reading: 6

INBO!!! (Japanese for: Conspiracy) If you haven't figured it out, I have one more and you should know it by now (if you are an otaku like me): Nihon Hikikomori Kyoukai (N.H.K. = Nihon Housou Kyoukai [Japanese Broadcasting Association] is a real broadcasting channel in Japan.) I gave you all the clues, and you should know it by now...

Welcome to the N.H.K. Volume 1

Warning! This volume contains mild nudity!

Before we move on, I will explain what a Hikikomori is. The people being called Hikikomori in Japan are shut-ins/recluse who close their worlds and only function within the confines of their apartment/room/house. There are anti-social and usually see the world as a threat to their existence. Hikikomori's are usually otakus who have been hurt by people's comments about them. Some are just afraid of contact with other people and don't feel the need to communicate with other people. I'm also an anti-social person (hence the blog) and I only go out when I need to but that is due to the lack of interpersonal skills on my side. I can understand why people would choose to be Hikikomori and why they choose to be inside their safe zones instead of going with the flow. They are humans too, they are just too afraid of being hurt, either by society's comment or by embarrassment.

The story is about Tatsuhiro Satou, a hikikomori who was once attended college and is now on his fourth year as a shut-in. One day, a missionary knocks on his apartment's door. Along with the missionary, a beautiful girl catches Satou's eyes and she decides to help him. He also has reconciled with his underclassman as he was his annoying neighbor (who always played the same song from an anime the whole day on full blast).

PSA: 4 years of being a Hikikomori can make you crazy.

This would take a long time to explain the whole plot but as this is a now-reading and not a review. This is what I could say right now:

I like the art style in this manga than the anime (it took a completely different direction and the manga is just so prettier.)

If you were drugged, then yes, you would be a badass.

The story is still the same but with less details than the anime had. (From what I remember) the story here seemed to go faster and has skipped a lot of scenes (or maybe, the anime was just told in a slower manner, eh?)

Anyway, I'm still at the halfway point (as always, with these now-reading posts) and I'm hoping to finish it off soon because it's been sitting in my shelf for more than 2 months I think.

The bottomline line for now is, go ahead and read it if you want to read something funny slice-of-life with a hint of craziness. See you tomorrow!

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