Saturday, January 18, 2014

Manga in the Mail: 18

So I recently bought another gruesome manga and I'm itching to read it. From all the pictures I have of this title (a simple google image search,) I can say that this series is disgusting and I love that kind of stuff. I love horror and more than that, the making of horror. The psychology of it sounds awesome too and that really ties up with this series.

MPD-Psycho Volumes 1, 2, 3 & 4

Warning! This title contains a lot of gore, graphic violence and nudity.

No seriously, it contains full-on hentai nudity. Do not go past this if you don't want to see anymore.

But of course you did! You sneaky little reader you! Anyway, since all the wusses are now gone, let's go into why I bought this series.

The cover arts have some detailed embossed which is super cool!

The closest thing that I can compare this to is Gantz (since that's the only title I have) because of the gore and the graphic representation of the human body. This is actually an old series from the late 20th Century, 1997 to be exact. Also, it's by the same mangaka who worked on "The Kurosaki Delivery Service" that is also a gory manga and always in my wishlist (though it's hard to find in a used condition as cheap as dirt) which deals with the dead.

If I painted stuff, these would be the result because of my twisted mind.

As you all know, I love gore and graphic violence in manga because each artists' rendition of gore is unique. Some like guts splattering, some like flesh shredded, some like body implosions, some like simple stab wounds. Ah, the fascination in grotesque things. That's the main reason why I buy horror manga and gory seinen manga. It's all about how mangaka's illustrate an actual crime in their stories.

I blurred the genitalia and the boobs because it's drawn so well.

The story is about a detective who has multiple personality disorder, hence the name of this series. He is currently working on a serial killer case when he developed this disorder. He saw her wife dismembered but alive. He then exacts his revenge and kills the criminal. He was sent to jail for murder. After his release, a private investigating company hired him to solve crimes. I don't know much more than that and it's a long synopsis but I hope I didn't get anything wrong here.

Sorry for the ramblings. I hope you can read this with me too! Thanks!

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